Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Free Thoughts

Is it too late for freedom in America? As we continue down road after road towards socialism we make it harder to wane ourselves off of the welfare state we have all allowed to come into existence. Today, 40% of our GDP is taxed. After much reflection it becomes apparent that there is only a few narrow paths ahead of us. First, A decline and fall of America, see Edward Gibbons Book The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire to see the eerie correlations. Second, is a military coup to overthrow our already statist government, economist professor Thomas Sowell and others have sadly professed to this possibility. Lastly, we can only hope for the possibility of an intellectual take-over by free minds. In an article by Gen LaGreca, entitled “The Declaration of independence 2008,” she rewrites one of America’s most sacred documents to show the horrible lose of individual rights we’ve given up over the last 100 years. Instead of attacking King George the III as Thomas Jefferson did in the original Declaration of Independence, LaGreca has pointed out the evils our own government has perpetrated.

I suggest everyone take a long hard look at where we are, and find the time to engage in a little intellectual activism. When some man or woman yells hysterically that we must have socialized medicine, stop and ask them ‘by what right do some individuals have a claim over others?’ When people say we must stop CEO’s from earning so much, stop and ask, ‘By what right can we stop productive individuals from earning their just compensation?’ And, worst of all, when we hear those many individuals claiming these things such as; healthcare, housing, leisure, jobs and more are rights and that we must all pitch in to help our fellow man. Stop and ask, ‘when did our country stop protecting individual rights and become a country of parasites and looters?’

I wish everyone a life filled with prosperity, justice, and freedom.


Sean said...

Well written. You have the true trappings of an Objectivist. Has this country really forsaken individual rights? It has. Can we reverse this trend and become a truly free country? That remains to be seen. But it is a worthy struggle, the only worthy struggle, and we will need advocates such as yourself.

Adam said...

... so a month and a half ago? C'mon dude where ya been?!