Saturday, May 2, 2009

Water is a Toxic Pollutant?

Dr. Charles R. Anderson a materials physicist has posted a blog which logically links C02 being a pollutant to water being a pollutant. The problem is, as he points out, this logic isn’t actually very logical. Recently the EPA has claimed C02 is a pollutant. For those of you that remember science class in elementary school, we exhale C02 and plants ingest C02. As Dr. Anderson points out in his blog, the two of us kind of need each other. You may be wondering how he could come to the conclusion that based off the faulty logic of the EPA he has equated H20 is as much a pollutant as C02. Well, actually he shows how it more of a pollutant:

“Aside from the fact that the maximum absorption frequency for infrared radiation is somewhat different for CO2 and water vapor, their activities as greenhouse gases are very similar. Of course, water vapor has an effect which is about 18 to 20 times greater, owing largely to its about 100 times greater concentration in the atmosphere and its ability to form a wider range of dimers, trimers, and other forms to absorb infrared radiation across a broader spectrum than does CO2. So, if CO2 is a pollutant because it is a greenhouse gas, then so is water. We should next expect to see the EPA drawing up restrictions on the human use of water which may add to the water vapor concentration in the atmosphere. I would assume that this will mean no more farm irrigation and no more watering of lawns as a start. The formation of more lakes and ponds by man must also be stopped.”

He then explains the idea behind water being a toxin may be the problem. Lastly he concludes that the “EPA has taken the prize for the most irrational decleration of supposed science and economics ever.”

Honestly, that seems harder to believe, the government is responsible for some pretty irrational things. But, I’ll let you all decide whether you agree with Dr. Anderson or not. Read his full article HERE.

1 comment:

Charles R. Anderson, Ph.D. said...

Thanks for your reference to my blog entry on the EPA declaration that CO2 is a pollutant.

The decision about which government foolishness is the all-time most irrational would be a difficult one requiring the consideration of many good candidate possibilities. But in the end, a very fundamental attack on the very possibility of human life on earth ought to be carefully considered for the award for most irrational government action.

I know of no current movement to declare oxygen a pollutant, but if CO2 is a pollutant and plants need it as badly as we need oxygen and we need plants for food and to produce oxygen, then declaring carbon dioxide a pollutant is effectively the same as declaring oxygen a pollutant. Because of the greenhouse gas similarity between CO2 and water, I concentrated on that connection, but one can also emphasize the CO2 and oxygen relationship.